Jill and Brian Kohr visit Ahuachapán during their first People Helping People Network Vision Trip to El Salvador in December 2023. PHP’s partners at The Fuller Center for Housing have built 150 simple, decent homes in this community with safe power and clean water and sanitation.
Jill and Brian Kohr find joy by delivering impact in their “second half”
People Helping People Network Vision Trips to El Salvador highlight how The HOPE Equation uplifts and empowers families and communities through a multi-pronged holistic approach that focuses on housing, hunger relief, healthcare and education. The trips are designed to provide visual evidence of The HOPE Equation’s effectiveness and to inspire participants to discover opportunities for them to become further involved in the transformation of this rapidly improving country.
It is impossible to show every part that PHP is playing in this ongoing transformation in just a few days, but founder Jeff Cardwell and the PHP team on the ground in El Salvador do their best to cram as much as possible into the trip while still allowing participants time to reflect upon what they are witnessing.
For those on their very first Vision Trip, it can be quite the whirlwind of activity and emotion. It was certainly that way for Brian and Jill Kohr on their first Vision Trip in 2023 — a trip that they were encouraged to join by Brian’s friend and People Helping People Network supporter John Meredith.
“John would rave about these mission trips to El Salvador and encouraged us to go with him sometime,” Brian recalled. “Eventually, the timing did work out in 2023.”
“I think last year we were just trying to take it all in,” Jill added. “We truly fell in love with the people here and just had an amazing trip.”
“I think the first year you don’t really know what to expect, so it’s like watching a really good movie for the first time,” Brian explained. “When you watch it the second time, you see things that you didn’t catch the first time and then you really get it. This is the same thing. Last year, we had no idea what to expect. We were telling our kids we were going to a dangerous place because we didn’t know what to expect. Then you get here and see that it’s not like that at all. It’s absolutely incredible here.”
It was a whirlwind, but they were impressed and inspired. They made two decisions very quickly that December — not only would they donate toward PHP projects that touched them the most, they also would return a year later to witness the results.
Jill Kohr holds a child in the nursery of San Vicente de Paul Orphanage in 2023.
The Kohrs worked hard to become successful in their early years of business and starting a family. Jill was a dietician in a hospital for 10 years, then worked part-time while raising their children before finally becoming a full-time mom while Brian remained busy with work and travels.
After starting out as a CPA, Brian branched out to lead a technology company and served as the CEO of a private equity company, among other ventures. He then “retired” … sorta. He still stays rather busy as CEO of TriKohr Advisors, helping entrepreneurs and companies not only to succeed but also to excel. They also established a family foundation to support charities they believe in.
“I decided to retire early and spend some time doing more things to give back,” Brian said. “It’s the second half of our lives. The first half is often about you, and the second half is about others. We were just lucky and blessed enough to get to the second half earlier in our lives than most people.”
“There’s nothing better than giving back and seeing how you can help someone and put a smile on their faces and bring joy,” Jill added. “God’s blessed us, so we feel we need to put our hands to work and help those in need and help bless others.”
Brian Kohr also got in plenty of time with the children of San Vicente de Paul Orphanage in 2023.
The Kohrs know that for businesses to succeed, they must establish and achieve specific goals. Knowing that The People Helping People Network was founded by a successful businessman in Cardwell, they expected the same kind of approach from the nonprofit.
“After we decided to support and put some money toward things that really pulled at our hearts and spoke to us — like the long-term elderly care and orphanage — we wanted to come back and see how our support helped them in those areas, so that was really fulfilling on this trip,” Jill said.
“Through our foundation, we love to fund specific action items,” Brian stressed. “We want to know what specific thing we are funding so we can see the benefit and everybody is held accountable to achieve that benefit. But our personality is such that we want to see the impact. That makes us want to do more and create even more impact.”
They trusted that PHP would maximize their generosity and address the specific projects they targeted. Still, the old adage that seeing is believing truly resonated with the Kohrs.
People Helping People Network Founder Jeff Cardwell (left) talks about the 131-home Nuevo Cuscatlán II project in 2023 — the single largest community of Fuller Center for Housing homes in the world — during the December 2023 Vision Trip that included Brian and Jill Kohr (right).
“One thing that we struggle with a lot is that there are a million charities out there — and charities are good for the most part,” Brian said. “What we found is just giving money to a charity that then distributes it without our seeing the impact wasn’t enough. We want to see the impact.”
That gave their December 2024 Vision Trip even more purpose than the first in 2023.
“If you want to actually see the impact of giving an amount of money for a specific purpose, this is a way you can do that versus just writing a check to a general fund — which is fine, too,” Brian said. “Most people do that, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But we don’t want to just write a check. We want to write the check but also see how it’s being used.”
Brian and Jill Kohr help distribute wheelchairs on the 2023 Vision Trip.
What they witnessed in December was specific goals having been achieved and impact being made — on the projects they prioritized and in many other areas.
“The impact that The People Helping People Network is making down here is incredible,” Brian said. “You see the direct impact of people’s time, treasure and talent. The way people’s lives are being changed, it’s incredible.”
Their next trip, however, may involve a little less time on the PHP bus.
“Now that we’ve been here on a second Vision Trip, we want to get our hands dirty,” Jill said. “Now, we want to do a working trip.”
Jill Kohr is prayed over at King’s Castle Ministries’ 24/7 Prayer Tower in December 2024.
That does not mean that they do not enjoy the fruits of their labor at home. Life is good for the Kohrs, though their personalities lead them to prefer boating around a lake more than yachting in the Caribbean. The trick to living the good life, they believe, is finding the right balance — and serving others helps to provide that equilibrium.
“It’s not that we don’t enjoy life — we do enjoy God’s blessings,” Brian insisted. “But the most important question is: How do you make an impact? I think one commonality that Jill and I have is that we get the most joy not out of things but out of seeing the impact of helping people.”
Jill, however, does have one regret about their support of PHP: They wish they had known about PHP and started much earlier.
“It’s absolutely incredible to see what PHP has done — I just wish I’d been able to see it from the very beginning,” she said. “But I can tell from just the past two years of being here all the changes they are making and the impact that PHP has on people’s lives. It’s so heartwarming and humbling to see.”